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About:CHC – 7,777 unique CryptoHans horse who unite together on the Ethereum Blockchain. The CryptoHans collection is not an automatically generated collection, each Hans is hand-assembled by artist Maya Delia, and that’s why the collection is very valuable and it has a lot of rare tokens. Strategy:1. We drop 100-300 NFT once every 7-10 days,2. The price of each new drop becomes higher,3. We conduct a raffle before each drop, Launch:1. The first drop - Sold Out (price 0.005 ETH),2. The second drop is sold for 70% (price 0.02 ETH),3. Third drop - launch date January 28, 7 p.m. CET (price 0.06 ETH) At each significant stage of sales, a raffle of valuable prizes is held between Hans NFT holders, the final raffle will be a new Porsche Taykan. Join our family in the early stages!