Blockchain :

World of Cardano is the first fantasy Metaverse built on Unreal Engine 5. The World is built around the lore of four regions: Uristduhn, Skykapi, Moonfell, Thandor and their magical inhabitants. World of Cardano will be a “Play-to-Earn” Metaverse with its own token coming. Many OG projects of the CNFT universe already found their home in our 4 km x 4 km sized map. One mint will have a 70% chance to receive a 12x12 meters parcel, a 25% chance to receive a 24x24 meters parcel and a 5% chance to receive a 36x36 meters parcel which are fully rendered 3-D Artworks. On these you will be able to build, work and live. We are here to change the game, join us.